

Get a head start on your academics at 十博体育链接, then transfer to a four-year 您选择的机构. 创建一个 学术计划 with a counselor or program advisor to ensure all of your credits will transfer 和 start researching colleges 和 universities early. 

COD offers many options for students to transfer their credits seamlessly to other 机构通过 担保转让协议, 3+12+2转学课程


There are a number of transfer options available to students. 赚钱后转帐 your 学位 or completing general education requirements.

  • Most colleges 和 universities award junior st和ing to students with an associate 学位.
  • Pay one-third of the cost of the average four-year school at 十博体育链接, saving 你头两年挣的钱.
  • COD's transfer partnerships 和 transfer guides make it easy to transfer to the school 由你选择.
  • 与…合作 辅导员或顾问 when you begin the transfer process for the following 学位s, as there are complex state requirements, transfer school requirements 和 十博体育链接 graduation 适用的要求:
    • 应用科学副学士
    • 工程科学副学士
    • 美术副学士-艺术
    • 美术副学士-音乐
    • 通识副学士 

COD partnerships 和 transfer guides may exist to facilitate a smooth transfer. 

  • Jump start your education by taking a few classes at COD 和 transferring to another 机构.
  • Students interested in transferring after one semester at COD are encouraged to work 与…密切相关 辅导员或顾问.
  • In order to be considered a transfer student, colleges 和 universities require a set number of credits, usually between 24-36.
  • Students below these thresholds will need to meet the college or university's first-year 入学要求.


COD has developed transfer partnerships with colleges 和 universities to facilitate 学生顺利转学. The College offers 保证转让协议, 2+2 Transfer Agreements, transfer guides 和 3+1转学课程 that are designed 为您节省时间和金钱.

学院还参加了 伊利诺伊州发音倡议 (IAI), which enables credits to be transferred to more than 100 colleges 和 universities 在伊利诺斯州.

Colleges 和 universities interested in partnering with COD to provide additional 转学机会应发送电子邮件 articulation@silicore.net.

  • COD partners with several schools that 保证录取 给予符合特定标准的学生.
  • Each college 和 university offers unique guarantees; some offer guarantees to all 专业, some to a few 专业 和 some to all 专业 with a few exceptions like limited 招生计划.
  • Some agreements also provide exclusive scholarship 和 financial aid incentives.
  • 3 + 1项目 are a convenient 和 economical way to earn your Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science 学位 in selected academic programs.
  • 十博体育链接 has partnered with prominent universities to offer high-caliber 学位 programs at a greatly reduced cost: 
    • Take three years of classes at 十博体育链接. 这类课程有很多 on 十博体育链接's main campus 和 are taught by faculty from partner universities. 教师 from partner universities are educational leaders in their fields.
    • Receive a reduction on the tuition rate for advanced classes. 
  1. 传统的 2+2 agreement allows a student to complete two years (approximately 64 credit hours) at 十博体育链接 和 another two years at a college/university to complete a bachelor's 学位.
  2. An 增强 2+2 agreement allows a student to complete up to 90 semester credits of coursework, mostly general education courses 和 then transfer to complete the remaining credits toward a bachelor's 学位 at a four-year college/university.


Transfer guides suggest specific COD course subjects that meet prerequisites for specific 专业. Transfer guides also provide contact information, basic information about the major, admission 和 学位 requirements, general education requirements 和 transfer 政策. 


Attend a transfer workshop, information session, advising session or transfer fair with visiting colleges 和 universities. 转会十博体育版 are held throughout the year 和 are available to all COD students.



"Choosing COD was honestly one of the best decisions I’ve made in my life. 它大大 helped me financially to save my money for graduate school. 我还做了一些 我今天最好的朋友.——萨吉娜·卡恩




"The College will provide you the education 和 skills to be successful. 教授 和 administrators are top-notch 和 the campus is beautiful. COD为我提供了 the educational base, drive 和 motivation to be successful.——布莱恩·格林



Rocio Becceril

"COD helped me tremendously as I tried to figure out what I wanted to do. 要 COD allowed me to take several different classes to try 和 find myself.——罗西奥 Becerril




"The h和s-on skills I learned at COD made me st和 out at the Iowa State University 招聘会.——伊迪Cocher-Cowan




"I wanted to start at a school that would allow me to see a variety of options to choose from 和 to better guide me in what bachelor’s I should pursue,” - Mirette 米哈伊尔•



Counseling, Advising 和 传输服务
学生服务 Center (SSC), Room 3200
电话: (630) 942-2259

  • 星期一和星期二,上午8点.m. 到晚上7点.m.
  • 星期三和星期四,上午8点.m. 到下午6点.m.
  • 星期五,8点.m. 到5点.m.


InstagramInstagram: @counselingadvisingcod

InstagramInstagram: @codtransferservices

脸谱网脸谱网: @codcounselingadvising

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